Our program

At Wauchope Preschool Kindergarten we offer a dedicated preschool program where children experience the love of learning and friendship, whilst building strong foundations for their future.

Our program combines planned, spontaneous and structured learning experiences based on the needs and interests of our children through consultation with families.

We use the Early Years Learning Framework to guide our educational practices, embedding the principles of “belonging, being and becoming” into our interactions and program delivery.

Our philosophy

Proudly community owned and operated, we believe in building strong partnerships between families and Educators so that the centre is managed effectively through the process of consultation and collaboration. The centre aims to reflect the values of the community, and is committed to excellence in the provision of care and educational programs.

We believe that preschool is about love, friendship, learning, kindness and respect in a safe and trusting environment.

We believe that children are unique and learn through play. We believe that children learn best through supportive relationships with Educators, feeling valued and cared for with a strong sense of BELONGING, along with opportunities to just BE and to BECOME full and active members of society.

Our Educators continually strive for best practice and are committed to the implementation of the Early Years Learning Framework in conjunction with our National Quality Standards.

Our partnerships

We work closely in partnership with all NDIS providers and other agencies such as:

  • Early Connections
  • Speech Therapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Child Psychologists
  • Paediatricians

to ensure that any children with additional needs are given the support they need.

We now have a purpose built Sensory Room that is used both as part of our program or by visiting specialists for therapy purposes.

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